Sunday, January 28, 2007 |

ang, jay, melly

back: tim long, daniel, justin; front: bobby, nat

rehearsing and waiting for our turn

china-hong kong's dragon dance



derrick and jess

lethe / lethe&pam / patrick
jason,chris / L to R: rendy,tyler,mark,joycey,justin,patrick

the post-Asian Fest IHOP tradition
Saturday, January 27, 2007 |
I just got all the stage makeup off my face. It's now squeaky clean! Did you know that if you pull the false eyelashes off from the inside corner of your eye to the outside corner it doesn't hurt as much as if you do it the other way around? True story.
Asian Fest was totally awesome. It's interesting how at the advent of a performance, you start to think of all the worst-case-scenarios. Like no one showing up to Asian Fest. Or your costume ripping. Or making a face-plant onstage. Or completely screwing up the steps. Or technical difficulties. Or just basically looking like an idiot. The list goes on. But guess what? None of those things happened. Well almost, because I did mess up on the steps...there was one point when all of us were "walking" completely out of sync...haha. But to my pleasant surprise, everyone thought the skit was really funny, and they loved the rap. Just thinking of the panicked state we were in the day before makes this a most satisfying ending.
Pictures will be up, as soon as I upload them. Also pictures from Christmas break in the sunny isle of Singapore.
Thursday, January 25, 2007 |
It's of the reasons why I took Spanish was because I thought, I work so closely with Maria and she's completely fluent in Spanish, so she'd be able to help me out a ton with whatever questions I had. The thing is...when I ask her questions, I get the feeling that she is quite impatient or not really very willing to help me because her answers are normally quite short and curt. She does answer all of them, but when I say something in Spanish to her, the first thing she normally says is, 'HUH??' like I'm completely idiotic and she can't even TRY to figure out what I just said. My pronunciation is not atrocious, because you start to get the hang of it after a while (and I did get an A- for pronunciation in the very first Spanish oral OF MY ENTIRE LIFE(!)), but I always feel like she is treating me like she simply cannot understand what I'm saying and has to have me repeat it like at least 2 or 3 times or spell out every word before she goes, 'OHHHHH -insert the exact thing I said, in a Colombian accent-'.
Of course it's always easier to be irritated about something when I'm not on the receiving end of these questions, but I like to think that if someone was learning Chinese (Mandarin), I would be excited for the person and similarly, be excited when he/she asked me questions and actually take time out to answer them and explain it. I'm not INCREDIBLY fluent, but I would still be happy that the person wanted to learn it and appreciative of the fact that it is extremely difficult to learn a new language from scratch.
So my point is, if you are a true friend, you will love me for my "Cómo se dice..."s and preguntas.
The End.